Cosmopunk: A Starfinder Podcast
The Actual-Play Homebrew Starfinder Podcast with rotating GMs, based in UK! Join the Laika-7 and her crew of alien mercs, making a living in a retrofuturistic universe inspired by the cartoons we loved in the 80s and 90s. A twisting series of adventures ranging from comedy to cosmic horror! New episode every other Thursday

Friday Feb 24, 2023
S03E11 - The Hunt (Vesk Don’t Wear Ties)
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
This week, we're back to Vesk Don't Wear Ties! Yay!
In the last episode of VDWT - Ryder and Radar adopted their pseudonyms and fraudulently brokered a deal to purchase Vesk war drones. They checked out of their hotel room and made their way to the Laika-7 to pick up their ill-gotten cargo and fly home, but no sooner had they landed in the collections bay, the crew's paranoia began to kick in. Suddenly, Ryder realises they've been caught in a trap, set by the chief of the Vesk secret police - Secretary Azdriah. He watches from a distance as the very war drones the crew had purchased were set upon the Laika, quickly disabling its' engines before the crew could make their escape. As a last ditch gambit, Ryder threatened to fire one of the Laika's nuclear weapons point-blank at the secretary, bringing the situation to a tense stalemate. Azdriah saw utility in the crew and agreed to cease hostilities if they did him 'a favor'. He promised to let them go free, repair the Laika and even let them keep the drones they planned to steal. All the crew needs to do is clean up a mess that the Vesk don't wish to be seen cleaning up themselves - The elimination of some Azlanti affiliated mercenaries who have stolen a weather manipulation device. Not being the trusting kind, Azdriah decided to take Vee's unconcious body off the ship and hold them on the Veskarium as collateral insurance. Radar also manages to strike a deal with the secretary to give them as much information the Veskarium has on the White Ladder organization. Rearmed, re-equiped and with engines reignited, the Laika-7 hurtles off into the void to chase down the Fortune Limeri...
Like what you hear? Cosmopunk is a comedy sci-fi-fantasy podcast set in Paizo’s Starfinder universe and releasing every two weeks! Subscribe to us on ITUNES, SPOTIFY, PODBEAN or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Intro and Outro music :Reformat - Vectrex (
Vesk Don't Wear Ties Theme :Peter Kiilstofte - Dystopia (

Thursday Feb 23, 2023
S03E10 - The Laika Gambit (Vesk Don’t Wear Ties)
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Last time, the crew adopted their pseudonyms (Edward Voss and Camilla Fontaine) and arranged a meeting with Dr Kizashi, the senior drone development technician for Conqueror's Forge. They agreed to view a tech demonstration of the combat capability for Vesk combat drones before purchasing them and were treated to a live-fire weapons demonstration, using prisoners of the Veskarium as targets! Radar noticed that some of the prisoners were Azlanti and Ryder noticed the large scary black Vesk she spotted in the central database. Dr Kizashi introduces him as Secretary Chernet Azdriah; head spook for the secret police and the Secretary of State for the Department of Sight. Despite this, Ryder seemed to avoid any suspicion and placed the drone order as planned, using the dummy bank account her and Radar hacked into the database earlier. However, Ryder is now shaken and the crew decide to treat themselves to some new armour and weaponry at the Vesk's expense, before heading back to their hotel...
Like what you hear? Cosmopunk is a comedy sci-fi-fantasy podcast set in Paizo’s Starfinder universe and releasing every two weeks! Subscribe to us on ITUNES, SPOTIFY, PODBEAN or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Intro and Outro music :Reformat - Vectrex (
Vesk Don't Wear Ties Theme :Peter Kiilstofte - Dystopia (

Thursday Feb 09, 2023
S03E09 - The Beating Heart of the Vesk War Machine (Vesk Don’t Wear Ties)
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Previously, Ryder and Radar put their forged metro cards to use. After almost immediately getting caught, they managed to infiltrate the Department of Mind. Whilst Radar hid himself away, Ryder and Flyby snuck inside the Vesk Central Database to update their clearance card profiles with pseudonyms - Camilla Fontaine and Edward Voss; informants for the Vesk. Ryder also creates a fake bank account to buy the drones with and creates a new profile for Vee, so they can return to the Veskarium. On her way out, Ryder learns that the Azlanti were behind the attacks on Vesk 8 that were reported on the news earlier. Ryder also catches a glimpse of the terrifying black Vesk warrior she spotted earlier, but apparently remains undetected...
Like what you hear? Cosmopunk is a comedy sci-fi-fantasy podcast set in Paizo’s Starfinder universe and releasing every two weeks! Subscribe to us on ITUNES, SPOTIFY, PODBEAN or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Intro and Outro music :Reformat - Vectrex (
Vesk Don't Wear Ties Theme :Peter Kiilstofte - Dystopia (

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
S03E08 - The World is Your Oyster Card (Vesk Don’t Wear Ties)
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
After recovering from their blinding hangovers, Ryder and Radar arrange to meet up with Vee's sister-in-law, Corsa. She gives the team some blank security cards and updates their map of Conqueror's Forge. Corsa says that they will need to access the central database sector and hack into the computer to change their names and security clearance. She also warns them about 'Fraction', the Vesk head archivist and guardian of the database. After leaving Corsa, Radar builds a device that can clone working keycards onto the blank ones, which should be all they need to infiltrate the central database ... Then Ryder tried to chat up the hotel barmaid, Cinder. Again.
Like what you hear? Cosmopunk is a comedy sci-fi-fantasy podcast set in Paizo’s Starfinder universe and releasing every two weeks! Subscribe to us on ITUNES, SPOTIFY, PODBEAN or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Intro and Outro music :Reformat - Vectrex (
Vesk Don't Wear Ties Theme :Peter Kiilstofte - Dystopia (

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
S03E07 - Contacts and Context (Vesk Don’t Wear Ties)
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
The mission begins! Ryder and Radar set their plan in motion, setting off for the Veskarium and Conquerors Forge. After a search of their ship (and their motives!), they are allowed through Vesk border control and learn of a recent attack on Vesk 8 - leading to tighter security across the Veskarium. However, some skillful bluffs allow Radar and Ryder to get through security and book some rooms at a local hotel. Then they decided to relax, drink far too much Vesk whiskey and chat up Cinder, one of the hotel barmaids. With the plan now underway, it's time to make contact with Lucca's sister Corsa...
Like what you hear? Cosmopunk is a comedy sci-fi-fantasy podcast set in Paizo’s Starfinder universe and releasing every two weeks! Subscribe to us on ITUNES, SPOTIFY, PODBEAN or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Intro and Outro music :Reformat - Vectrex (
Vesk Don't Wear Ties Theme :Peter Kiilstofte - Dystopia (

Thursday Dec 29, 2022
S03E06 - Dead Vesk Storage (Vesk Don’t Wear Ties)
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Last time, Vee unveiled their plot to capture drones in order to repay their debt, as well as wipe the slate clean on their criminal record within the Veskarium. The plot involves stealing the drones from Conquerors Forge, a giant artificial world within Vesk space; part city, part war factory. But in order to control the drones they intend to steal, the crew had to surgically remove Vee's augment and implant it into Radar's exocortex. With Vee now in a coma, Ryder and Radar continue their plans and get ready to make tracks to the Veskarium.
Like what you hear? Cosmopunk is a comedy sci-fi-fantasy podcast set in Paizo’s Starfinder universe and releasing every two weeks! Subscribe to us on ITUNES, SPOTIFY, PODBEAN or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Intro and Outro music :Reformat - Vectrex (
Vesk Don't Wear Ties Theme :Peter Kiilstofte - Dystopia (

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
S03E05 - It’s Not Rocket Surgery (Vesk Don’t Wear Ties)
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Having extracted Logoss from Radar's mind and restoring his pre-gap memories, the crew decide to relax by simply running the bar and by not sleepwalking into any more brain-based misadventure... but that doesn't last for long. The crew still owe Weird Al some drones as payment for the ancient mind traversal device, and Vee has been cooking up a plan for how to 'acquire' some.
Like what you hear? Cosmopunk is a comedy sci-fi-fantasy podcast set in Paizo’s Starfinder universe and releasing every two weeks! Subscribe to us on ITUNES, SPOTIFY, PODBEAN or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Intro and Outro music :Reformat - Vectrex (
Vesk Don't Wear Ties Theme :Peter Kiilstofte - Dystopia (

Thursday Dec 01, 2022
S03E04 - Radar, Renewed (Theatre of the Mind)
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
On the last episode, Ryder and Vee set down to heal after their traumatic fight with Logoss. Vee falls asleep, but enters a dream that is not their own. They are piloting a colossal war mech. Vee comes to the conclusion that they have taken on the role of past-Radar, experiencing one of his dreams. With Vee, is their fiancé, Lucca, who was tragically taken from Vee in the real world, but here, she is also a mech pilot. Perhaps she's surplanting a partner that Radar had, once? They don't have much time to put the pieces together before the opposition fights back against their mechs, blasting Lucca's into oblivion. Vee lashes out, just before waking up next to Ryder. Continuing through the memory corridors - they finally reach an origin memory, where Radar was first discovered by the crew. Our heroes are close to the source of Radar's malady...
Like what you hear? Cosmopunk is a comedy sci-fi-fantasy podcast set in Paizo’s Starfinder universe and releasing every two weeks! Subscribe to us on ITUNES, SPOTIFY, PODBEAN or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
Intro and Outro music :Reformat - Vectrex (
Theatre of the Mind Theme music :Reformat - Kosmos (
"I remember everything" :Scott Buckley - Filaments ( promoted by BreakingCopyright: